Monday, August 24, 2020
Ari no mama de - The Japanese version of Let It Go
Ari no mother de - The Japanese rendition of Let It Go The film Frozen is titled as ã⠢ãÆ'šã ¨Ã©âº ªÃ£ ®Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã§Å¾â¹ (Anna and the Snow Queen) for the Japanese market, and it has become the third top of the line film ever in Japan since its March 14 debut. Japanââ¬â¢s most noteworthy netting film is presently Hayao Miyazakiââ¬â¢s enlivened great ââ¬Å"Spirited Away,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Titanic,â⬠acquires second spot. The melody Let It Go won the Academy Award for Best Original Song. Other than the first English rendition, it is named into another 42 dialects and vernaculars around the world. Here is the Japanese form of Let It Go which converts into Ari no mother de (As I am). Romaji Translation Ari no mother de Furihajimeta yuki wa ashiato keshite Masshirona sekai ni hitori no watashi Kaze ga kokoro ni sasayakuno Konomama ja lady dandato Tomadoi kizutsuki darenimo uchiakezuni Nayandeta soremo mou Yameyou Arino mother no sugata o miseru noyo Arino mother no jibun ni naruno Nanimo kowakunai Kazeyo fuke Sukoshimo samuku nai wa Nayandeta koto ga uso mitai de Datte mou jiyuu yo nandemo dekiru Dokomade yareruka jibun o tameshitai no Sou yo kawaru no yo Watashi Arino mother de sora e kaze ni notte Arino mother de tobidashite miru no Nido to namida wa nagasanai wa Tsumetaku daichi o tsutsumi komi Takaku maiagaru omoi egaite Hanasaku koori no kesshou no you ni Kagayaite itai mou kimeta no Kore de ii no jibun o suki ni natte Kore de ii no jibun o shinjite Hikari abinagara arukidasou Sukoshi mo samuku nai wa Japanese Version ã âãâšã ®Ã£ ¾Ã£ ¾Ã£ § é⢠ãâÅ¡Ã¥ §â¹Ã£â ã ÿé⺠ªÃ£ ¯Ã¨ ¶ ³Ã£ â㠨æ ¶Ëã â"ã ¦ çÅ"ÿ㠣ç⢠½Ã£ ªÃ¤ ¸â"çâ¢Å"㠫ä ¸â¬Ã¤ º ºÃ£ ®Ã§ § é ¢ ¨Ã£ Å"Ã¥ ¿Æ'㠫ã â¢Ã£ â¢Ã£ââã ã ® ã 㠮㠾㠾ã ËãâÆ'ãÆ'â¬Ã£Æ' ¡Ã£ ãâã ã ¨ Ã¦Ë ¸Ã¦Æ''ã âå⠷㠤ã è ª °Ã£ «Ã£ââæâ°Ã£ ¡Ã¦Ëžã 'ã šã « æ⠩ãâ㠧ã ÿã ãâÅ"ãââãââã â ãââãâ ãâËã â ã âãâšã ®Ã£ ¾Ã£ ¾Ã£ ®Ã¥ § ¿Ã¨ ¦â¹Ã£ âºÃ£ââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£âË Ã£ âãâšã ®Ã£ ¾Ã£ ¾Ã£ ®Ã¨â¡ ªÃ¥Ëâ 㠫㠪ãââ¹Ã£ ® ä ½â¢Ã£ââæâ¬â"ã 㠪ã â é ¢ ¨Ã£âËÃ¥ ¹Ã£ ' Ã¥ °'ã â"ãââÃ¥ ¯'ã 㠪ã âãâ æ⠩ãâ㠧ã ÿã 㠨ã Å"Ã¥ËË㠿ã ÿã âã § ã 㠣㠦ãââã â è⡠ªÃ§ ±Ã£âË㠪ãâ㠧ãââ㠧ã ãâ⹠㠩ã 㠾㠧ãââãâÅ"ãââ¹Ã£ â¹Ã¨â¡ ªÃ¥Ëâ ãâ'è © ¦Ã£ â"ã ÿã âã ® ã ã â ãâËÃ¥ ¤â°Ã£â ãââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£âË Ã§ § ã âãâšã ®Ã£ ¾Ã£ ¾Ã£ §Ã§ © ºÃ£ ¸Ã© ¢ ¨Ã£ «Ã¤ ¹â"㠣ã ¦ ã âãâšã ®Ã£ ¾Ã£ ¾Ã£ §Ã© £âºÃ£ ³Ã¥â¡ ºÃ£ â"㠦㠿ãââ¹Ã£ ® ä ºÅ"Ã¥ º ¦Ã£ ¨Ã¦ ¶â¢Ã£ ¯Ã¦ µ ã â¢Ã£ ªÃ£ âãâ å⠷ã ÿã Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥Å" °Ã£â'Ã¥Å"⦠㠿è ¾ ¼Ã£ ¿ é «Ëã èËžã âä ¸Å¡Ã£ Å"ãââ¹Ã¦â¬ ã âæ ã âã ¦ èš ±Ã¥' ²Ã£ æ ° ·Ã£ ®Ã§ µ æ⢠¶Ã£ ®Ã£âËã â ã « è ¼ ã â㠦ã âã ÿã âãâ¬âãââã â æ ± ºÃ£â ã ÿã ® ã ãâÅ"㠧ã âã â㠮è⡠ªÃ¥Ëâ ãâ'Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã£ 㠫㠪㠣ã ¦ ã ãâÅ"㠧ã âã â㠮è⡠ªÃ¥Ëâ ä ¿ ¡Ã£ Ëã ¦ å⦠â°Ã£â¬ æ µ'㠳㠪ã Å"ãââ°Ã£ âãââ¹Ã£ ã ã ã â Ã¥ °'ã â"ãââÃ¥ ¯'ã 㠪ã â Jargon arinomama ã âãâšã ®Ã£ ¾Ã£ ¾ - unvarnished, undisguisedfurihajimeru é⢠ãâÅ¡Ã¥ §â¹Ã£â ãââ¹ - to begin fallingyuki é⺠ª - snowashiato è ¶ ³Ã¨ · ¡ - footprintkesu æ ¶Ëã ⢠- to erasemasshiro çÅ"ÿ㠣ç⢠½ - unadulterated whitesekai ä ¸â"çâ¢Å" - worldhitori 㠲㠨ãâÅ¡ - alonewatashi ç § - Ikaze é ¢ ¨ - windkokoro Ã¥ ¿Æ' - heartsasayku ã â¢Ã£ â¢Ã£ââã - to whisperkonomama ã 㠮㠾ã ¾-as they aredame ã ãâ - no goodtomadou Ã¦Ë ¸Ã¦Æ''ã â - to be at a losskizutsuku å⠷㠤ã - to hurtdarenimo è ª °Ã£ «Ã£ââ - nobodyuchiakeru æâ°Ã£ ¡Ã¦Ëžã 'ãââ¹ - to admit; to confidenayamu æ⠩ãâ⬠- to be concerned; to be distressedyameru ãââãâ ãââ¹ - to stopsugata Ã¥ § ¿ - appearancemiseru è ¦â¹Ã£ âºÃ£ââ¹ - to showjibun è⡠ªÃ¥Ëâ - oneselfnanimo ä ½â¢Ã£ââ - nothingkowakunai æâ¬â"ã 㠪ã â - not to scarefuku Ã¥ ¹Ã£ - to blowuso à ¥ËË - liejiyuu è⡠ªÃ§ ±-freedomnandemo 㠪ãâ㠧ãââ - anythingdekiru 㠧ã ãââ¹ - canyareru ãââãâÅ"ãââ¹ - to be capable totamesu è © ¦Ã£ ⢠- to trykawaru Ã¥ ¤â°Ã£â ãââ¹ - to changesora ç © º - skynoru ä ¹â"ãââ¹ - to carrytobidasu é £âºÃ£ ³Ã¥â¡ ºÃ£ ⢠- to spring outnidoto ä ºÅ"Ã¥ º ¦Ã£ ¨ - never againnamida æ ¶â¢ - tearnagasu æ µ ã ⢠- to shedtsumetaku å⠷ã ÿã - colddaichi Ã¥ °Ã¥Å" ° - plateautsutsumu Ã¥Å"⦠ãâ⬠- to wraptakaku é «Ëã - highmaiagaru èËžã âä ¸Å¡Ã£ Å"ãââ¹ - to soaromoi æ⬠ã â-thoughtegaku æ ã - to picture to oneselfhana èš ± - flowersaku Ã¥' ²Ã£ - to bloomkoori æ ° · - icekesshou ç µ æ⢠¶ - crystalkagayaku è ¼ ã - to shinekimeru æ ± ºÃ£â ãââ¹ - to decidesuki Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã£ - to likeshinjiru ä ¿ ¡Ã£ Ëãââ¹ - to believehikari å⦠Ⱐ- lightabiru æ µ'㠳ãââ¹ - to baskaruku æ ©Ã£ - to walksamu kunai Ã¥ ¯'ã 㠪ã â - not coldâ Language (1) Prefix mama Mama çÅ"ÿ is a prefix to stress the thing that comes after mama. makk çÅ"ÿ㠣è µ ¤ - brilliant redmasshiro çÅ"ÿ㠣ç⢠½ - unadulterated whitemanatsu çÅ"ÿå ¤ - the center of summermassaki çÅ"ÿã £Ã¥â¦ Ë - at the very firstmassao çÅ"ÿ㠣é ' - profound bluemakkuro çÅ"ÿ㠣é »' - dark as inkmakkura çÅ"ÿ㠣æšâ" - contribute darkmapputatsu çÅ"ÿ㠣ä ºÅ"ã ¤ - right two (2) Adjectives Kowai (frightened) and samui (cold) are modifiers. There are two sorts of descriptors in Japanese: I-modifiers and na-modifiers. I-descriptors all end in ~ I, however they never end in ~ ei (for example kirei isn't an I-modifier.) Kowakunai and samukunai are negative type of kowai and samui. Snap this connect to get familiar with Japanese descriptors. (3) Personal Pronouns ââ¬Å"Watashiâ⬠is formal and the most normally utilized pronoun. Japanese pronoun utilization is very unique in relation to that of English. There are an assortment of pronouns utilized in Japanese relying upon the sexual orientation of the speaker or the style of discourse. Figuring out how to utilize Japanese individual pronouns is significant, however increasingly significant is to see how not to utilize them. At the point when the significance can be comprehended from the unique situation, the Japanese lean toward not to utilize individual pronouns. Snap this connect to get familiar with individual pronouns.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Aircraft Solutions Security Assessment And Recommendations Information Technology Essay
Airplane Solutions Security Assessment And Recommendations Information Technology Essay The reason for this appraisal is to address shortcomings and give suggestions on the system security of Aircraft Solutions. Airplane Solutions is a perceived innovator in the structure and creation of segment items and administrations for organizations in the hardware, business, guard, and aeronautic trade. Airplane Solutions strategic to give client accomplishment through machined items and related administrations, and to meet cost, quality, and calendar prerequisites. Two shortcomings were found with respect to the companys organize security. The principal shortcoming is an equipment shortcoming; not having an AAA server for client confirmation and approval; second, not having a Network-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) being used. The prescribed arrangements are to convey an AAA server for client confirmation and approval to organization assets, and send a blend Host and Network-based IDS for generally speaking observing of the companys venture. Organization Overview Airplane Solutions structures and creates segment items and administrations for organizations in the gadgets, business, barrier, and avionic business. The crucial Aircraft Solutions is to give client accomplishment through machined items and related administrations, and to meet cost, quality, and calendar prerequisites. A lot of its gear is mechanized to build creation while decreasing expenses. The companys workforce has an enormous expertise base: plan engineers, developers, mechanics, and gathering faculty to work its profoundly robotized creation frameworks. The organization system is to offer minimal effort structure and PC supported demonstrating bundles to clients to diminish their advancement costs. Airplane Solutions utilizes Business Process Management (BPM) to deal with start to finish forms that length numerous frameworks and associations. The BPM framework is intended to associate clients, sellers, and providers to share data and keep up an auspicious business exchange. BPM likewise adjusts interior business tasks to IT backing to keep up creation on the side of client prerequisites. Security Weaknesses Two security vulnerabilities were found with respect to the companys organize security. The primary defenselessness is an equipment shortcoming; not having an Authorization, Authentication, and Accounting (AAA) server for client verification and approval; second, not having a Network-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) being used. Equipment Weakness AAA Server Airplane Solution has a requirement for an AAA server to validate and approve genuine client qualifications for its on location home office, intranet remote workplaces, and extranet for providers, temporary workers, and providers. An AAA foundation is required so as to approve and validate clients to organization assets; get to control. AAA servers give an instrument to encoded validation of clients and can be utilized to control access to the system. Validation checks the character of a client by utilizing a database of usernames and passwords. Approval relegates arrange rights or authorizations to a confirmed client. Approval records or logs organize use of validation and approved clients. Bookkeeping can be utilized to record data about security breaks. (Kaeo, 2004) Programming Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDS Airplane Solutions utilizes a host-put together IDS with respect to the servers in the corporate office. I think having a mix of host-put together IDS with respect to basic servers and a system based IDS by the firewall for each system section is better. A decent technique for IDS is utilize a mix of host and system IDS. A Network-based IDS gives a general viewpoint of your system and is valuable for distinguishing conveyed assaults, though a Host-based IDS would stop most substantial dangers at the host level. (Kaeo, 2004) An IDS secures a system like an alert framework. At the point when an IDS recognizes that something isn't right and considers it to be an assault, it can make restorative move itself or inform an administration framework, which would make a system manager aware of make some move. Interruption Detection Systems are significant as far as halting an assault, yet in addition in keeping up a lasting time-stepped log of interruption endeavors on a host framework. An IDS permits an organization to realize that they are being assaulted and who is assaulting them, how they are getting along it, and what they may be searching for. An IDS is the guard dog that includes a layer of protection over all system security frameworks and strategies. Meaning of Solution Arrangement of AAA Server Airplane Solutions needs to halfway oversee who has approval to remotely get to arrange assets from anyplace, which organize asset are those remote clients approved to get to, and any related issues. Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) and Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) are the two conventions for executing the AAA innovation structure. An incorporated AAA server that utilizes TACACS+ convention will give a concentrated area to Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting for Cisco gadgets. Client verification on Cisco gadgets should be possible in a couple of ways; a nearby database of clients on the server, or by a TACACS+ server.â TACACS+ is a Cisco exclusive convention that utilizes TCP as a vehicle convention and can isolate validation, approval, and bookkeeping as discrete administrations. The AAA server goes about as an intermediary server by utilizing TACACS+ to verification, approve, and representing access to Cisco switches and system get to servers. The Authentication capacity of an AAA server can give get to control; this demonstrates a valuable capacity in conditions where theres a necessity to limit access to arrange gadgets or applications per individual verified client. (Kaeo, 2004) Programming Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDS Airplane Solutions needs to convey a Network-based IDS in blend with its Host-based IDS. I figure Aircraft Solutions ought to have a Network-based IDS so as to screen all traffic to and from the Internet to perceive what number of programmers or different vindictive exercises are attempting to get to the companys organize. Notwithstanding observing Internet traffic, a Network-based IDS can see traffic setting off to a firewall or VPN and to other appended gadgets. A mix IDS will likewise empower Aircraft Solutions to more readily screen and successfully react to a security episode by utilizing constant capacity. A Network-base IDS is intended to detect noxious action happening on a system and gives ongoing making aware of Administrators to research. The absence of not having such a framework leaves Aircraft Solutions in danger by not being able to see pernicious system traffic and depending on framework occasions to be alarmed of malignant action. (Kaeo, 2004) Legitimization Arrangement of AAA Server The seller arrangement Id select would be Cisco equipment. Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) would be most appropriate for use as an AAA Server. My legitimization for that is Cisco ACS server covers the three primary elements of Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting; and the utilization of TACACS+ convention is Cisco restrictive convention. Airplane Solutions has numerous clients that partake in start to finish forms that length various frameworks and associations. A Business Process Management (BPM) framework is set up to deal with these procedures. Frameworks are access by clients at various degrees of need to know and these clients are answerable for entering, handling information, and data so as to produce reports to be utilized for dynamic. Client information, for example, venture data, PC supported plan, and advancement models are arranged and put away in assigned servers. The Design Engineering office is answerable for investigating the electronic models, cooperating with the client and making essential changes with client endorsement, at that point putting them in an Engineering Release (ER) registry for programming. When these electronic models are discharged, developers use them to make creation programs. Every single last program must be altogether confirmed for exactness before discharging to the Proof For Production (PFP) index for assembling to make the creation first article. From the creation floor, mechanical engineers download PFP programs legitimately to their DCNC (Direct Computer Numerical Control) machines for execution. After any further preparing finished items are examined for confirmation to client necessities, at that point they are moved to the transportation division for conveyance. Taking a gander at how Aircraft Solutions BPM functions, there is certainly a requirement for focal client confirmation and approval. An AAA server with TACACS+ can be utilized to deal with the huge quantities of client IDs and passwords in an incorporated database, giving a versatile system security arrangement. (Oppenheimer, 2004). An AAA server will guarantee access to structure, creation, bookkeeping, deals, and HR servers just go to approved specialists and work force. An AAA server will likewise follow all clients action and endeavors to get to organize assets; occasion logging. Model, on the off chance that somebody is attempting to get to creation programs and theyre not approved it will be logged, taking into consideration an examination of the episode whenever required. Programming Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDS Airplane Solutions has numerous clients getting to its system, be it providers, clients, branch office representatives and so on A Network-based IDS is expected to secure the system. Like a property holder having a caution framework to avert or to alarm them of an interloper. I see an IDS in this design. An IDS identifies on the off chance that somebody attempts to break in through the firewall or figures out how to break in the firewall security and attempts to approach on any framework in the confided in side and cautions the framework manager on the off chance that there is a penetrate in securit
Friday, July 17, 2020
Using Nicotine Nasal Spray to Quit Smoking
Using Nicotine Nasal Spray to Quit Smoking Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking Print Using Nicotine Nasal Spray to Quit Smoking By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on January 02, 2017 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD Updated on June 24, 2019 BURGER/Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking After You Quit Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery Nicotine nasal spray is a medicine that reduces cravings to smoke when a measured dose of nicotine solution is sprayed into the nose. The spray is absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal mucous membrane. You need a prescription for nicotine nasal spray. Nicotine nasal spray and the nicotine inhaler are the two forms of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that require a doctors prescription and supervision. All other NRTs are available over-the-counter. Nicotine Nasal Spray Use Each dose consists of two spraysâ"one spray per nostril. Your doctor will direct you on the specific amount and frequency of dosage thats right for you, but will likely suggest that you start with one or two doses per hour. Never use more than five doses per hour or 40 doses in a 24-hour period. Wash your hands and blow your nose to clear nasal passages. Before the first use, prime the pump on the bottle by pumping it into a paper towel until a fine mist appears. Discard the towel in the trash. Tilt your head back slightly and insert the tip of the bottle into your nose, pointing it toward the back of the nose. Pump one spray into each nostril. Dont inhale, sniff or swallow while spraying. If your nose runs, sniff to keep the medicine in. Dont blow your nose for a few minutes after administering the dose. Repeat the process in the second nostril. If it has been more than a day since the last dose, prime the bottle as described above. Avoid priming too much though, as this might decrease the amount of medicine in the dose. The solution should only be used in the nose. If it gets on your skin or in your eyes or ears, rinse well with water. In general, nicotine nasal spray therapy begins with an eight-week course at the dosage level your doctor prescribed initially. After that, your doctor may suggest reducing the amount used daily over the next four to six weeks until you wean off of it completely. Nicotine Nasal Spray Addiction Nicotine nasal spray can be habit-forming, so it is important to follow your doctors instructions for use carefully. In general, however, the amount of nicotine in NRTs is less than it would be in cigarettes and is administered more slowly. The risk is reduced, but not zero. If you find that you are unable to stop using nicotine nasal spray at the end of the therapy period, inform your doctor and he/she will help you. Combining Nicotine Nasal Spray With Another Quit Aid Occasionally, some ex-smokers have trouble stopping smoking by NRT alone. If you find that the nicotine nasal spray is not doing the trick for you, have a discussion with your doctor about whether it might be feasible to combine NRT with another non-nicotine quit aid like Zyban (bupropion hydrochloride). Side Effects of Nicotine Nasal Spray Therapy These are the most common side effects associated with nicotine nasal spray: hot, spicy feeling at the back of the nose or throatrunny nosesore throatcoughingsneezingwatering eyes In rare instances, side effects can be serious. If you experience a rapid heart rate while using nicotine nasal spray, seek medical attention immediately. Additionally, nicotine nasal spray can cause symptoms other than those listed above. If you experience anything unusual while using this product, call your doctor. Why Its Important Not to Smoke When Using Nicotine Nasal Spray Do not smoke while using nicotine nasal spray or you will run the risk of a nicotine overdose. Dont use any other nicotine-containing quit aid (nicotine patch, gum, lozenges or inhaler) while using nicotine nasal spray. Signs of a nicotine overdose may include: dizzinessupset stomachbad headachesvomitingcold sweatsdroolingconfusionblurred visionhearing problemsweakness or fainting If you suspect youve had an overdose of nicotine, stop using the nicotine nasal spray and call your doctor immediately. Store Safely Out of Reach of Children and Pets Store the nasal spray bottles in a location where young children and pets cannot access it. The nicotine solution could be dangerous or even fatal if accidentally ingested. Do not store in a hot/humid location (like the bathroom). If there is leakage or a spray bottle breaks, use rubber gloves to clean up the nicotine solution right away. Wipe the area with a cloth or paper towel and discard in the trash. Wash the area several times to be sure all of the solution has been removed. Discard empty spray bottles with the child-resistant cap on in the trash. If you have unused full bottles that you need to discard, dont flush them down the toilet or throw away in the trash. Contact your doctor or pharmacist about medicine take-back programs in your community. Before Starting Nicotine Nasal Spray Be sure to tell your doctor if any of the following apply to you: You are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or are breastfeeding.You are allergic to nicotine or any other prescription medicine.Youve had a heart attack, have angina, irregular heartbeat or heart disease.You have sinus problems and/or allergies.You have thyroid problems.You have problems with circulation such as Buergers disease or Raynauds phenomena.You have high blood pressure, kidney or liver disease.You take insulin for diabetes.You have an ulcer. Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal Nicotine withdrawal can cause a wide variety of physical symptoms that may come as a surprise to new ex-smokers. From feelings of lethargy to suffering from an inability to sleep, indigestion and developing a new cough, the effects of stopping smoking can bring out some unusual responses in our bodies. Nicotine nasal spray will take the edge off of the discomforts, but it probably wont eliminate nicotine withdrawal entirely. Be prepared by knowing what the symptoms are and also by what you can do to minimize them. Before You Stop Smoking Let your doctor know about any medications you take, including vitamins, herbal remedies, and over-the-counter drugs. Be sure to alert your doctor if you take any of the following medicines: acetaminophen (Tylenol)alpha blockers such as alfuzosin (Uroxatral), doxazosin (Cardura), prazosin (Minipress), tamsulosin (Flomax), and terazosin (Hytrin)beta blockers such as atenolol (Tenormin), labetalol (Normodyne), metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL), nadolol (Corgard), and propranolol (Inderal); caffeine-containing medications (Esgic, Esgic Plus, Fioricet, NoDoz, Norgesic, others)cough and cold medications; imipramine (Tofranil); insulin; isoproterenol (Isuprel); oxazepam (Serax); pentazocine (Talacen, Talwin NX); and theophylline (TheoDur). Some medications are metabolized more quickly for smokers, so when you stop, the dosage level might need to be adjusted. A Word From Verywell Nicotine nasal spray can be an effective quit aid when used as directed and combined with support and education about what to expect when you quit smoking. Dont think of nicotine nasal spray or any other quit aid as a magic bullet that will make smoking cessation easy. They can and will help a great deal, but only when you are resolved to do the work it takes to quit smoking. Take your quit program one simple day at a time and be patient with yourself. Healing from nicotine addiction takes as long as it takes. Theres no rushing the process. Stick with it, and the day will come when tobacco no longer controls your life.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay about Gambling Addiction - 2683 Words
What is Gambling Addiction? While it may appear that addictions are solely pleasure-seeking behaviors, the roots of addiction can also be traced to a wish to suppress or avoid some kind of emotional pain. In the broadest sense, addictive or pathological gambling is gambling behavior which causes disruptions in any major area of life: psychological, physical, social or vocational. Addictive gambling is sometimes referred to as the hidden illness, because there are no visible physical symptoms. The American Psychological Association classifies compulsive gambling as a mental health disorder of impulse control. It is a chronic and progressive disease that is both diagnosable and treatable. About 2 to 4 percent of Americans have an activeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦* Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy? * Did gambling affect your reputation? * Have you ever felt remorse after gambling? * Did you ever gamble to get money with which to pay debts or otherwise solve financial difficulties? * Did gambling cause a decrease in your ambition or efficiency? * After losing did you feel you must return as soon as possible and win back your losses? * After a win did you have a strong urg e to return and win more? * Did you often gamble until your last dollar was gone? * Did you ever borrow to finance your gambling? * Have you ever sold anything to finance gambling? * Were you reluctant to use gambling money for normal expenditures? * Did gambling make you careless of the welfare of yourself or your family? * Did you ever gamble longer than you had planned? * Have you ever gambled to escape worry or trouble? * Have you ever committed, or considered committing, an illegal act to finance gambling? * Did gambling cause you to have difficulty in sleeping? * Do arguments, disappointments or frustrations create within you an urge to gamble? * Did you ever have an urge to celebrate any good fortune by a few hours of gambling? * Have you ever considered self destruction or suicide as a result of your gambling? According to Gamblers Anonymous, if you answer ââ¬Å"yesâ⬠to seven of more of these questions, you most likely have a compulsive gamblingShow MoreRelatedGambling Addiction : Illegal Gambling2199 Words à |à 9 PagesGambling Addiction Walking into the flashing lights, the happy people and seeing people win; are all the start of a bad beginning. Gamblers have a different mindset them some and they need help most of the time. The worse thing for a person just starting out is to see people win because they believe they are going to do the same thing and even more. That is almost never how it turns out; it usually starts with betting small, but gamblers always raise their bets over time even if they are winningRead More Gambling Addiction Essay1116 Words à |à 5 PagesGambling Addiction à à à à à Gambling addiction is an issue found in numerous areas where gambling is legal. People who are addicted to gambling, also know as problem gamblers, face many health risks including depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, migraine and anxiety in addition to marriage breakdown, problems at work and bankruptcy (9). About 2 percent of adults are thought to be problem gamblers (1). In todayââ¬â¢s society this costly addiction is not often considered toRead MoreGambling Addiction918 Words à |à 4 Pages Gambling can be a compulsion where people are so obsessed with gambling that they gamble for a high; much like people who have alcohol, drug, and nicotine addictions. A person who gambles for the sheer urge to gamble despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop is considered to have gambling addiction or ludomania. A person with ludomania loves the rush of a win over everything else in life. The addiction causes the person to choose the excitement over responsibility. Families, jobsRead MoreEssay on Gambling Addiction662 Words à |à 3 PagesGambling Addiction 1. Introduction Gambling is created for purposes of leisure such as horse racing, poker and cards. However, when the gamblers are mentally inability to control their behaviour in engaging gambling activities, it becomes a problem. Terms like pathological gambling, problem gambling, or gambling addictions are used to describe such condition. American Psychiatric Associationââ¬â¢s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) characterises it as a disorder of impulse control. FeaturesRead MoreGambling Addiction Essay770 Words à |à 4 Pagesthemselves. While this all sounds like fun and games, it can wind up being extremely dangerous. Gambling addictions can develop quickly and when they do, everyone suffers except for casino corporations. Whether it be physical, mental, marital, or financial, there are numerous problems that accompany gambling addictions. Most people are unaware of the health and psychological effects that gambling addictions can produce. Some outward health problems that stem from this include insomnia, high blood pressureRead MoreEssay on Gambling Addiction1782 Words à |à 8 PagesGambling Addiction Gambling affects the person doing it and anyone who is close to them. Through personal experience getting hooked on gambling is mainly from the action and thrill of everything associated with gambling. When gambling they are part of the action and not just watching people play a game for money. If one is truly a pathological gambler, just like lying they cannot stop unless they are helped. When gambling it is very difficult to come to the realization that one is addicted. TheyRead MoreThe Effects Of Gambling Addiction On The Age1399 Words à |à 6 PagesResearch Question How can the amounts gambled by young adults be reduced, and what is the path to overcoming instances of gambling addiction affecting this age group? Background Pathological gambling, also known as Ludomania, is an addiction and is clinically referred to as a disorder that can affect people of all ages. Young people between the ages of 18-24 spend more money to gamble than any other age group. This has become a growing problem over the years as our technology has advanced, causingRead MoreEssay on Gambling Addiction: Compulsive or Pathological Gambling1964 Words à |à 8 Pagesam very interested in how a person could psychologically and physically feel the need to gamble. It interests me that a compulsion could turn into physical want and pain if the compulsion isnââ¬â¢t fulfilled. This could actually be classified as an addiction, which some people would also classify it as a disease. People gamble for many different reasons. Some people do it for the excitement in which it will make them feel a release of adrenaline. Another reason why some people do it is because they areRead MoreEssay about Gambling Addiction868 Words à |à 4 Pag esGambling addiction has become very real, very quick, to me and my friends and family. My best friendââ¬â¢s mother, Beverly Roan, is currently incarcerated at Sandy Mush Correctional Facility in Merced, California after allegedly embezzling over $350,000.00 from her employer to fund her gambling addiction. Beverly is a 58 year old mother of three, and grandmother of eight; no one ever suspected this level of addiction or criminal activity based on our daily interactions with her. We were shockedRead MoreEssay on Gambling Addiction In Gen. Y1308 Words à |à 6 PagesGambling Addiction In Gen. Y Gambling has become a growing issue concerning the generation y. According to a survey done by Ctcclearing.com1, 80% of teenagers claimed to have gambled in some form. With a percentage that large, is the problem simply that gambling is a right of passage or are teens more susceptible to the temptations that casinos have. The Addiction Compulsive gambling is a disease among many people. The American Psychiatric Association classifies
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
No Man s Knowledge Can Go Beyond His Experience - 1393 Words
ââ¬Å"No man s knowledge ... can go beyond his experience.â⬠John Locke once stated that for the human race to acquire knowledge, they must experience different things. Without doing, seeing, feeling, smelling, or hearing, man cannot learn. When a child is born, it is innocent. At that time, the child has no knowledge, as this must be attained as it grows and learns. A newborn child also is born without a hint of evil in it. As the child has not been through anything in life, there is no chance for it to have evil thoughts. From the instant that somebody is born, certain experiences begin that will shape their view on life. Without humans going through this, they will not learn right or wrong. While no manââ¬â¢s knowledge can go beyond his experience, neither can manââ¬â¢s immorality. Manââ¬â¢s coming of age experience will push them to good or evil. When a human matures and comes of age, they gain knowledge of themselves. They also obtain a greater understanding of e vil as it makes itself more present in life. There can be coming of age moments for individuals, families, groups, and even the entirety of mankind. With the ââ¬Å"Tree of Knowledge,â⬠the serpent, and mankindââ¬â¢s maturity, John Knowles uses allusions from the Book of Genesis in the Bible to accentuate the process of becoming evil in A Separate Peace. The jumping tree in A Separate Peace is directly correlated to the Tree of Knowledge from the Book of Genesis to emphasize that both human good and evil are present in the novel. In theShow MoreRelatedThe Banking Concept Of Education1277 Words à |à 6 PagesEducation is a systematic body of knowledge that is acquired through life experiences, schooling, and the environment. It is an important tool that applies in the contemporary world to succeed and to mitigate life challenges. Also, the knowledge gained through education enables individuals potential to be effectively used due to the training of the human mind. For this, educating requires partial control from the learner s side, partial control from the instructor s side, reliance on an amicableRead MoreFaust as a Romantic Hero794 Words à |à 4 PagesFaust as a Romantic Hero In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe s Faust, the protagonist exhibits many characteristics of a typical romantic hero. First, he is larger then life. He has obtained numerous advanced degrees, and conjures up spirits. In his effort to go beyond knowledge and gain experience he strikes a bargain with the Devil. He is not afraid of the Devil or hell ( Lawall Mack, 444) and proves that by making the deal with the Devil. Secondly, he embodies the best and worst ofRead MoreIntuition Vs. Rational Intuition1344 Words à |à 6 PagesIntuition - the ability to understand what is happening instantly and outside conscious control, without the need for conscious reasoning and argument. Mystical intuition understood as the knowledge gained from the higher powers, rational intuition based on experience and is opposed to reasoning deployed discursive thought. Making a decision, more men are turning to the head, and intuitive solution for them where everything is clear at once, without much consideration. Women are more likely to liveRead MoreTennyson vs Homer Ulysses Vs Oddyseus1667 Words à |à 7 Pagesagree with Tennyson s portrayal of Odysseus in the poem Ulysses. Whereas Odysseus wishes to complete his journey and find relief, Ulysses seeks to continue on a never-ending one. Homer s Odyssey and Tennyson s Ulysses have different desires and their desires lead them on contrasting quests. The hero in Homer s depicts Odysseus as a hero in the process of completing a journey home. The portrayal of Ulysses is a hero that has already completed his journey, but he wishes to go back on another journeyRead MorePlato s View Of Reality Essay1483 Words à |à 6 Pagesfrom the outside looking in? Philosopher Plato, presents his view of reality through an allegory to explain the concept, and how we gain knowledge of our reality. Two other philosophers that I will mention both touch base with their description of reality and how it relates to Platoââ¬â¢s conception. All three of these philosophers believe knowledge is attainable through acts of realization and simple knowledge, and each philosopher presents his/her main point of reality through different ways of attainingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Play Oedipus The King 963 Words à |à 4 Pages Hubris Midterm Paper ââ¬Å" No, man s knowledge here can go beyond his experience.â⬠John Locke. Knowledge is definitely power. To have power over anyone or anything out â⬠¨there you must know what you are doing. Knowledge gives you options, Knowledge enables bigger and better weapons. A sense of higher status. Very often will you find knowledge allows one to recognize opportunity. One character in the play Oedipus the King, Tiresias carries a great sense of knowledge. That he knows how to stay humbleRead MoreUse Of Setting And Symbolism Of The Works Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman And Robert Frost1424 Words à |à 6 Pagesof other human experiences. Literature allows us to look at the world from a different perspective because it takes us beyond our limited experience of life. After thousands of years we continue to tell stories because of the impact they have on individuals. It deepens our understanding of our history, our society, and our own individual lives. Also it increases our compreh ension of life and stirs us intellectually and emotionally. Literature is tremendously powerful because we can obtain a vastRead MoreReza Banakars Essay In Search of Heimate: A Note on Franz Kafkas Concept of Law669 Words à |à 3 Pages In the essay In search of Heimate: A Note on Franz Kafkas Concept of Law, the writer Reza Banakar reviews Kafkas intrepretation of the legal system within his writings. Banakar concocts a passionate arguement for the fact that in the story of The Trial, law is not only a concept but an experience that leaves a indiviual feeling trapped. He also gives a well thought out testimony to support the claim that The Trial bridges the concept of the human condition and the legal system together. EvenRead MoreBeauty Is A Symbol Of The Divine Mystery867 Words à |à 4 Pagesearthly and beyond it. ââ¬Å" Gautama continued the debate, ââ¬Å"It is an infatuation in the name of attraction. What reflects divinity is the real beauty.â⬠Viswamitra joined in, ââ¬Å"Beauty not only attracts, it tempts the seekers to own it.â⬠His opinion was probably from his own experience. Vashistha said,â⬠Whatever infatuates is not real beauty. It is a malady instead. It is mere lust and greed.â⬠Indra said, ââ¬Å"Beauty is a symbol of the divine mystery. Hence, it overwhelms. God tries to test people s will throughRead MoreComparing Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melvilles Writings1739 Words à |à 7 PagesComparing Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melvilles Writings Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melville focused their writings on how man was affected by nature. They translated their philosophies though both the portrayal of their protagonist and their own self exploration. In Moby Dick, Melville writes about Ahabs physical and metaphysical struggle over the great white whale, Moby Dick, symbolic of mans struggle against the overwhelming forces of nature. Ahabs quest is reported and experienced
Mary Warren Free Essays
ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- How does Miller present the character of Mary Warren in The Crucible? Arthur Miller Shows Mary Warren in different limelightââ¬â¢s of power. At the beginning of the play there is an aspect of her having no power but as you go through the play there seems to be shifts in her power. Miller uses Mary to demonstrate young, single womenââ¬â¢s power and how when you have so much power it can just slip right out of your hands in one brief moment. We will write a custom essay sample on Mary Warren or any similar topic only for you Order Now Miller shows that power can be taken away pretty easily and quite absentmindedly from Mary Warrenââ¬â¢s character. He demonstrates this by making her young and single and setting the scene to a subservient, naive girl. This makes her prepared to answer and obey others unquestioningly and serving as a means to an end. In Act 1, Mary has a conversation with Abigail about the dancing. ââ¬ËI never done any of it, Abby. I only looked. ââ¬â¢ This shows us that she lacks the confidence to get involved, making us see that Miller is trying to present a very timid, scared girl. Marys fear is also shown through this dialogue. A sense of her having no power is shown through Millers use of stage direction. ââ¬Ë(Enter Proctor. On seeing him Mary jumps in fright)ââ¬â¢. Miller is trying to illustrate the lack of confidence and courage she has to stand up to him. This is also a remark of the amount of importance he has upon her. This is also shown in dialogue. ââ¬ËI forbid you to leave the houseââ¬â¢. In these quotes Miller shows that young, single women have very little to no power and importance in Salem at this time. By Act 2 Mary Warrens character develops, so much so that Elizabeth is starting to fear her, ââ¬ËShe frightened all my strengths away. ââ¬â¢ This shows that Miller is making Mary stronger and more confidence that other characters have to talk about her behind her back. Even though Proctor still believes she is a ââ¬Ëmouseââ¬â¢ and still sees her as that, Elizabeth says ââ¬ËIt is a mouse no more. ââ¬â¢ Miller makes the other character see that there has been a spark switch on in Marys head. All this is shown through the dialogue of the other characters on the stage at this time. Miller uses other characters to illustrate how Maryââ¬â¢s character has changed over a little while. At the end of act two there is an immediate power shift between Proctor and Mary. This is when Mary tells Proctor ââ¬ËI saved her life todayââ¬â¢. ââ¬ËHerââ¬â¢ meaning Elizabeth, when Mary shares this with Proctor, he lowers the whip. The power shift is symbolised with this exact moment, Miller shows this moment through a stage direction. Then Marys dialogue after the power shift shows a side of Mary that we have never seen before, this is where she finally decides to stand up for herself. Miller shows her frustration at her lack of power and her lack of freedom that she is missing out on in a stage direction and her dialogue. ââ¬Ë(with a stamp of her foot): Iââ¬â¢ll not be ordered to bed no more, Mr Proctor! I am eighteen and a woman, however single. ââ¬â¢ In this quote Miller presents a respectful lady, however angry, who knows her authorities around the Proctors but still thinks that she has some say in what she does in her life. Miller also shows a depth to Maryââ¬â¢s character through her dialogue. In Act 3, Mary has reverted to her timid self like we saw in Act 1, this is shown through her silence and through Proctor speaking for her. In this part Miller tries to make her the weakest character in this Act through stage directions such as ââ¬Ë(Mary is keeping her eyes to the ground)ââ¬â¢ At the end of Act 3, Proctor threatens Mary in to telling the judges that Elizabeth did and is not using witchcraft and accusing Abigail of using it instead. This is effective because Proctor use his tender side for most of this Act ââ¬Ë(He lifts Maryââ¬â¢s chin. ) You cannot weep, Mary. Remember the angel, what he says to the boy. But at the last minute Proctor turns on his threatening side and turns on Mary to help him. This is just like at the end of Act 2 when he decides to turn on Mary, there is a strong correlation between Maryââ¬â¢s power and her importance. Abigail also starts to threaten Mary in to accusing Proctor of using witchcraft and not to listen to Proctor no more by pretending that Mary is using witchcraft. ââ¬Ë(backing further, eyes still fixed above): Mary, please donââ¬â¢t hurt me! ââ¬â¢ Miller tries to show in this part that Mary is powerless by using Abigailââ¬â¢s dialogue to portray this. How to cite Mary Warren, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Unmanaged Heart Essays - Emotion, Life Skills, Social Psychology
Unmanaged Heart Can a person's heart be controlled? Do all people go have some form of emotional management or emotional labor in their lives? In the book, The Managed Heart, written by Arlie Hochschild , discusses the issues of emotional labor and emotional management. In the book, it describes the difference between the two issues and gives Hochschild's opinion on those issues. The first issue is emotional management. This is where the fight attendants learn how to deal with certain situations that they might encounter. Basically, they are taught to manage their emotions and look at their situation from the other side. By doing this, the flight attendants can create a happy and more comfortable setting for the passengers. On page 113 in the book, it states that the fight attendants should imagine a reason to excuse an obnoxious or unruly passenger. This is what Delta teaches: emotional management. The other issue is emotional labor. The use of emotional management is emotional labor. They flight attendants use surface acting in everyday work life. They are there to make the passenger feel comfortable and happy. This is a cover sheet for the flight attendants emotions. They are in a way bottling up their feelings to produce another feeling. The problem with emotional labor and surface acting are they become a part of that person. Hochschild thinks that this is a bad thing because one will never break away from the emotional labor and in turn have trouble expressing their inner feelings, (deep acting) in their private lives. In summary, emotional management is emotional labor. Emotional management is the learning how to deal with situations. Emotional labor is the actual use of the emotional management. Learning emotional management is helpful, but can affect that person's lifestyle. When they use emotional labor, they are hiding their inner feelings to create are better atmosphere for others. People using this might never be able to distinguish the difference between their surface acting and deep acting. Hochschild's sees this as a problem for the people affected by this emotion manipulator. This will affect their friend's, family, and the rest of society.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Review the Impact That Selected Theories of Management and Leadership Have on Organisational Strategy Essay Example
Review the Impact That Selected Theories of Management and Leadership Have on Organisational Strategy Essay Example Review the Impact That Selected Theories of Management and Leadership Have on Organisational Strategy Essay Review the Impact That Selected Theories of Management and Leadership Have on Organisational Strategy Essay [pic] EDEXCEL BTEC LEVEL 7 CERTIFICATE In STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPING STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS Tutor Marked Assignment TMA 02 Samantha Haran IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY TMA 02 Leadership Strategy and Planning for Leadership Table of Contents Executive summary Overview: There are three objectives of this assignment: 1. To identify the key strategic management and leadership drivers for an organisation of your choice over the next three years; 2. To apply knowledge of management and leadership theory when creating a leadership strategy for your organisation; 3. To plan for the recruitment and future development of a specific leadership role. TMA 02: Instructions There are two tasks to complete: Task 1: Leadership Strategy Report format (2000 words excluding appendices) Using an organisation of your choice, write a report for the executive team on what you consider to be the key strategic management and leadership drivers for the next three years. In your report you should identify and justify what you consider to be the most important area of strategic policy and how this could be implemented. You must apply your knowledge of current thinking by recommending three management and leadership theories for consideration in the proposed implementation process. Task 1: Guidance (Assessment criteria AC 2. 1, 2. 2, 3. 1 3. 2) i) You should start by choosing an organisation for the focus of your research. i) By considering the major political, economic and social factors relating to the business context, you are required to identify the key strategic drivers for the organisation over a period of three years from the publication date of the assignment. (AC 3. 1) iii) The outcome of this initial research should lead to a summary of the strategic management and leadership implications for the organisation and its leaders. (AC 3. 2) iv) You should extend this report by identifying and justifying what you consider to be the most important area for strategic policy implementation in the given timescale. AC 2. 2) v) Once this is completed, you will need to conduct a theoretical review of management and leadership theories and, based on current thinking, apply three theories to assist the implementation of the nominated strategic policy. (AC 2. 1) Task 2: Plan (1000 words excluding appendices) Produce a plan for the recruitment and future development for a senior manager who will lead the implementation of a key strategic policy over a timescale of three years. Task 2 Guidance (Assessment criteria AC 3. 2, 4. 1 4. 2) Please familiarise yourself with the criteria below which will be used to assess your work on this assignment. This is a planning document and although standard presentation conventions associated with this type of document should be applied, creative planning formats are encouraged. Guidance on assignment presentation, structure, English usage and referencing can be sourced in the 2010/11 course handbook which is available on Blackboard. ) You should start by using the organisation selected for Task 1 ii) Plan for the recruitment of a strategic manager to lead the strategic policy you nominated for Task 1. Ignoring salary and conditions of employment, concentrate on producing a relevant job description, and person specification. (AC 3. 2 4. 1) iii) To ensure successful implementation of the strategic policy, identify and justify a range of suitable (leadership-based) professional development activities for this senior manage r. This plan should extend over three years. AC 4. 2) Ethical Considerations If you draw on the practice of others in your organisation, you must gain their written permission to do so. When researching and writing this report you are required to treat all your information as confidential. Using course guidelines on ethical conduct for research, you are requested not to identify the name of the organisations in your work or anyone you have permission to work with. EDEXCEL Assignment Criteria On successful completion of this assignment, you will meet the following criteria: Outcomes |Assessment criteria for pass | | | | | |To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to: | |2. Be able to apply management and leadership |2. 1 Review the impact that selected | |theory to support organisational direction. theories of management and | | |leadership have on organisational | | |strategy. | | | | | |2. 2 Create a leadership strategy that | | |supports organisational dire ction | |3. Be able to assess leadership requirements. |Use appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements. | | | | | |Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership. | | 4. Be able to plan the development of leadership|4. 1 Plan the development of leadership | |skills. |skills for a specific requirement. | | | | |4. 2 Report on the usefulness of methods | | |used to plan the development of | | |leadership skills. | | | |
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Salic Law - Early Germanic Law Code and Law of Royal Succession
The Salic Law - Early Germanic Law Code and Law of Royal Succession Definition: The Salic Law was the early Germanic law code of the Salian Franks. Originally dealing primarily with criminal penalties and procedures, with some civil law included, the Salic Law evolved over the centuries, and it would later play an important role in the rules governing royal succession; specifically, it would be used in the rule barring women from inheriting the throne. In the early Middle Ages, when barbarian kingdoms were forming in the wake of the dissolution of the western Roman empire, law codes like the Breviary of Alaric were issued by royal decree. Most of these, while focusing on the Germanic subjects of the kingdom, were clearly influenced by Roman law and Christian morals. The earliest written Salic Law, which had been transmitted orally for generations, is generally free of such influences, and thus provides a valuable window into early Germanic culture. The Salic Law was first officially issued toward the end of the reign of Clovis in the early 6th century. Written in Latin, it had a list of fines for offenses ranging from petty theft to rape and murder (the only crime that would expressly result in death was if a bondsman of the king, or a leet, should carry off a free woman.) Fines for insults and practicing magic were also included. In addition to laws delineating specific penalties, there were also sections on honoring summonses, the transference of property, and migration; and there was one section on inheritance of private property that expressly barred women from inheriting land. Over the centuries, the law would be altered, systematized, and re-issued, especially under Charlemagne and his successors, who translated it into Old High German. It would apply in the lands that had been part of the Carolingian Empire, most especially in France. But it would not be directly applied to the laws of succession until the 15th century. Beginning in the 1300s, French legal scholars began attempting to provide juridical grounds to keep women from succeeding to the throne. Custom, Roman law, and the priestly aspects of kingship were used to justify this exclusion. Barring women and descent through women was especially important to the nobility of France when Edward III of England tried to lay claim to the French throne through descent on his mothers side, an action that led to the Hundred Years War. In 1410, the first recorded mention of Salic Law appeared in a treatise rebutting Henry IV of Englands claims to the the French crown. Strictly speaking, this was not a correct application of the law; the original code did not address the inheritance of titles. But in this treatise a legal precedent had been set that would thenceforward be associated with the Salic Law. In the 1500s, scholars dealing with the theory of royal power promoted the Salic Law as an essential law of France. It was used expressly to deny the candidacy for the French throne of the Spanish infanta Isabella in 1593. From then on, the Salic Law of Succession was accepted as a core legal premise, although other reasons were also given for barring women from the crown. The Salic Law was used in this context in France up until 1883. The Salic Law of Succession was by no means universally applied in Europe. England and the Scandinavian lands allowed women to rule; and Spain had no such law until the 18th century, when Philip V of the House of Bourbon introduced a less strict variation of the code (it was later repealed). But, though Queen Victoria would reign over a vast British Empire and even hold the title Empress of India, she was barred by the Salic Law from succeeding to the throne of Hanover, which was separated from Britains holdings when she became queen of England and was ruled over by her uncle. Also Known As: Lex Salica (in Latin)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Interview analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interview analysis - Essay Example Interviewing Joe, a native resident of Florida, whose early childhood witnessed the effects of Cuban immigration, gave me an insight to the situation back then. It also interested me that what opinions, today after so many years do these locals have regarding the immigrants. Talking about Joeââ¬â¢s early life, he told me he was born in 1959 in Coral Gables. The house he was born in belonged to his motherââ¬â¢s parents which they had bought in 1953. Soon his parents moved out, buying a new house and were not living with Joeââ¬â¢s grandparents anymore. Out of the three houses he lived in, his oldest house, in a further west location, was declared unincorporated during the 1960s. Recalling the name change of the county from Dade to Miami-Dade which was accompanied with the voting of several people exercising their home rule powers, Joe called it ââ¬Ëone big change in my lifeââ¬â¢. Joe agreed that the name change validated the acknowledgement of Miami as being internationally recognized and that ââ¬ËMiami-Dade County is the most popular County in Florida. He believes that during his lifetime, Miami has become more internationally accessible with loads of immigrants flocking in and people of different races seeking residence in here. I continued the conversation, delving further into the topic of immigrants which he brought into discussion. I asked him that living in Miami-Dade County since his childhood; his interactions with immigrants, specifically Cubans may have been numerous. To this, he started narrating me what had happened on the arrival of two Cuban immigrants when he was in primary school. The whole school threw them a party, welcoming them, since they were the very first Cubans to come to his class and school, Joe told as he indulged in a recollection of memories from his childhood with a smile on his face. I was curious to ask him whether they were very good friends with him or not. On my inquiry Joe let out a little laugh and told me that yes
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Effect of Acute Stress and Chronis Stress on the Extent to Which Research Paper
Effect of Acute Stress and Chronis Stress on the Extent to Which College Freshment Exhibit Depressive Symptoms - Research Paper Example To this end, data will be collected from freshmen studying different courses in different universities in the state using the BDI-II, PSS and the Stress Scale for the Youth, and the data collected was analyzed using factorial ANOVA and Chi-Square. Title The effect of Acute Stress and Chronic Stress on the extent to which College Freshmen exhibit Depressive Symptoms Introduction Depression is a disorder that impacts affective, behavioral and cognitive aspects of an individualââ¬â¢s functioning, and affects anywhere between 8 ââ¬â 12 % of individuals in the population (Kessler, Berglund, Demler, Jin, Merikangas, & Walters, 2005). Women are more susceptible to depression as compared to men, and nearly twice the number of women are diagnosed with depression as compared to men (Kessler et al, 2005). Individuals in their early adulthood are somewhat more likely to show signs of depression, and there seems to be a strong relationship between stressful events and the onset of depressi on (Kessler et al, 2005). ... Depression is associated with lowered achievement as well as an increased risk for suicidal ideation and attempts (Robbins, 2008). It is thus important to identify and provide support to at risk individuals. Towards this end, this study attempts to explore whether existing life stress and moving away from home to attend college can increase the risk faced by college freshmen for depressive symptoms. Review of Literature Depression is a mood disorder that finds its causes in a number of factors that include biological, sociological, genetic and psychological influences. There have been many theories that have attempted to explain the nature and incidence of depressive symptoms (Monroe, Slavich & Georgiades, 2008) ranging from theories that postulate the role of chemical changes in brain functioning (Tanti & Belzung, 2010) to evolutionary theories that attempt to explain the value of depression in survival (Sloman, Gilbert and Hasey, 2003). Tanti and Belzung (2010) have attempted to ex plain depression using a connectivist approach that uses information about different possible causes for a depressive episode as input nodes to an explanation of the individualââ¬â¢s symptoms and intensity of the condition. According to them, each possible cause affects the individual in a different way; and thus may produce different experiences and emotions. Using this information, it becomes possible to understand the particular manifestation of the illness in an individual on the basis of the reasons that brought about the episode. The theory also uses this model to suggest the utility of different treatment options, so that it may become possible to choose the most appropriate
Friday, January 24, 2020
In conclusion Philip Deanââ¬â¢s produced theater performance ââ¬ÅZigZag Streetââ¬Â :: Drama
In conclusion Philip Deanââ¬â¢s produced theater performance ââ¬Å"ZigZag Streetâ⬠provided the main theme well through out the whole performance. The acting was wonderful and the uses of techniques were used great. The only downside to this play was the script. Analytical Essay: In Philip Deanââ¬â¢s produced theater performance ââ¬Å"ZigZag Streetâ⬠the main theme, which is displayed through out the performance is the universal needs of all human beginnings: need for friendship, companionship and the needs for plans, hopes and dreams. This is shattered when the main character Richard (Mark Conaghan) is dumped buy his long-term girl friend after 4 years. After this painfully brake up he is given his grandparents house on ZigZag Street under one condition, he renovate the house while he lives in it. While he is in this house he tryââ¬â¢s to get his life back on track but despite concerted efforts chaos reigns supreme. First Key Moment: 1. Richard: arrives at a cafà ©. He takes out a book and reads. After a moment a girl enters, looks around and then approaches. Girl: Im sorry. You were reading Richard puts the book down Richard: No itââ¬â¢s fine. Girl: so what do you do? Richard: Im s lawyer. I work for a financial institution, what about you? Girl: im a student. Richard: what are you studying? Girl: Do you like movies? Richard: Sure. She has the Pulp Fiction postcard. Girl: would u like see Pulp Fiction with me sometime? Richard: With you? Girl: Yeah. You havenââ¬â¢t seen it? Richard: No, I havenââ¬â¢t. One might this week? Or the weekend. Girl: The weekend might be better. Im not allowed out on weeknights during school. Pause. Richard: During school. Girl: Its okay. Im nearly seventeen This scene illustrates the main theme very well; it shows the audience that Richard is looking for friendship or companionship within this girl. The technique of tension was used well within this scene, it started off to look like that Richardââ¬â¢s luck has finally changed after his brake up with his girl friend but all is not what it seems. Richard and this girl talk for a moment and the conversation leads to Richard asking if the young girl would like to go to the movies with him during the week or weekend. This is where the tension starts to heighten between Richard and this young girl, this is due to the Richard finding out that the girl is only seventeen. This was great use of tension because it showed that Richard is still looking for a companion but he has matured after his brake up and thinks things through a lot more then he has done before. Within this scene the technique focus was used well because the only
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Quantitative Methods
Decision Science Management: Please show all your work with the problems in steps but NOT just answers. 22. Reiser Sports Products wants to determine the number of All-Pro (A) and College (C) footballs to produce in order to maximize profit over the next four-week planning horizon. Constraints affecting the production quantities are the production capacities in three departments: cutting and dyeing; sewing; and inspection and packaging. For the four-week planning period, 340 hours of cutting and dyeing time, 420 hours of sewing time, and 200 hours of inspection and packaging time are available.All-Pro footballs provide of $5 per unit and College footballs provide a profit of $4 per unit. The linear programming model with production times expressed in minutes is as follows: Max 5A + 4C s. t. 12A + 6C 20,400 Cutting and dyeing 9A + 15C 25,200 Sewing 6A + 6C 12,000 Inspection and packaging A, C 0 A portion of the graphical solution to the Reiser problem is shown in Figure 2. 23 a. Shade the feasible region for this problem. b. Determine the coordinates of each extreme point and the corresponding profit.Which extreme point generates the highest profit? c. Draw the profit line corresponding to a profit of $4000. Move the profit line as far from the origin as you can in order to determine which extreme point will provide the optimal solution. Compare your answer with the approach you used in part (b). d. Which constraints are binding? Explain. e. Suppose that the values of the objective function coefficients are $4 for each All-Pro model produced and $5 for each College model. Use the graphical solution procedure to determine the new optimal solution and the corresponding value of profit.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Unethical Business Practices Of Multinational Companies
Abstract This paper discusses the unethical business practices of multinational companies, which have become a concern on a national and international level. While the convergence of accounting standards remains a challenge, so has a set of ethical standards. The need for a global set of standards has become paramount over the last decade. Through my extensive review and research of literature, there appears to be an ongoing need for convergence. The study concludes that through cooperative efforts, between governing bodies such as AICPA and IFAC, we are on the right track in terms of acceptability. Global Set of Accounting Standards The need for a single set of accounting standards on a global basis has become increasingly importantâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦To help with the AICPAs mission, they host live web events, hold conferences, and issue publications further to enhance their members learning experience. Furthermore, their website offers various forms of articles, research, and other areas of interest such as career information. The AICPA has developed a code of professional conduct, which consists of two sections known as the rules and the principles, to assist in governing the professionalââ¬â¢s overall performance (AICPA, 1988). The principles of professional conduct consist of the following: â⬠¢ Accountants ââ¬Å"Responsibilityâ⬠to client â⬠¢ Serve ââ¬Å"The Publicââ¬â¢s Interest.â⬠â⬠¢ Perform serviceââ¬â¢s using a high degree of ââ¬Å"Integrity.â⬠â⬠¢ Maintain ââ¬Å"Objectivity and Independence.â⬠â⬠¢ Use ââ¬Å"Due Careâ⬠when performing professional responsibilities â⬠¢ Use the code of conduct to determine the ââ¬Å"Scope and Nature of Services.â⬠(AICPA, 1988) History of International Ethical Standards (IFAC) The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) established in Germany on October 7, 1977 on order to help strengthen the profession of accountancy on a global level in the interest of the public by: â⬠¢ ââ¬Å"Developing high-quality international standards in auditing and assurance, public sector accounting, ethics, and education for professional accountants and supporting their adoption and use; â⬠¢ Facilitating collaboration and cooperation among its member bodies; â⬠¢ Collaborating and cooperating with other internationalShow MoreRelatedMultinational Organizations Improve The Job Market And Bridge Gap Between Different Countries1134 Words à |à 5 PagesMultinational Organizations provide jobs to individuals all over the world, helping to expand the job market and bridge the gap between different countries. 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